We have no late fees.
Registration Fee – $20 per family for the year
Half-hour class per week – $45.00 a month.
45 min/1 hour class per week – $51.00 a month.
75-90 minute class per week – $58.00 a month.
2 hours of class per week – $100.00 a month.
3 hours of class per week – $149.00 a month.
4 hours of class per week – $198.00 a month.
If you pay for one class a month no discount.
If you pay for a total of two classes a month, a total of $2 will be deducted from the monthly tuition.
If you pay for a total of three classes a month, a total of $4 will be deducted from the monthly tuition.
If you pay for a total of four classes a month, a total of $6 will be deducted from the monthly tuition.
If you pay for a total of five classes a month, a total of $8 will be deducted from the monthly tuition.
If you pay for a total of six classes a month, a total of $10 will be deducted from the monthly tuition.
All tech classes are at a discount rate of $35 a month
Costume Prices